
Walkin' & Rollin' Turn Childrens' Wheelchairs Into Amazing Halloween Costumes

Walkin' & Rollin' Turn Childrens' Wheelchairs Into Amazing Halloween Costumes Reese Davis as Wall-E — photo via the Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes Facebook pageIf you see a child in a wheelchair wearing a particularly spectacular costume this Halloween, there's a chance the Walkin' & Rollin' Costumes network may have had a hand in…

Custom Carts Give Dogs, Cats, Chickens New Life

Custom Carts Give Dogs, Cats, Chickens New Life Barbara Parkes is the kind of person you pray is your seat-mate on a long-haul flight. Engaging, accessible and armed with heart-warming true stories about animals given a second chance, Parkes is a walking example of the chestnut ‘choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.’ Parkes is…