WATCH: Amy Poehler's Smart Girls PSA Urges Young Women to Vote

By Etan Vlessing 11/2/18 |

A women in Amy Poehler's Smart Girls Vote! PSA — photo credit: screenshot

Amy Poehler's Smart Girls initiative, which is dedicated to empowering young women to be themselves and find their voices, and a Super PAC of female filmmakers have released an online video to encourage young people to vote for the mid-term elections, Nov. 6, in the United States.

The video, Smart Girls Vote!, directed by Sarah Ullman, uses conventional superhero tropes as it features a prideful teen girl arriving on her bike at a sun-drenched voting station with a sense of freedom, fun and exhilaration.

As a synth-laden score plays, the young woman receives her ballot paper and strides towards a booth, punches in her votes and places her ballot in a box, before flashing a knowing smile at other young people lining up to vote.

Poehler's Smart Girls organization backed director Ullman of One Vote at a Time on the PSA as the Super PAC works to elect first-time candidates running for public office that back gun control.

"One Vote At A Time is a team of female filmmakers, and we make campaign ads for pro-gun safety candidates." The film collective's founder, Ullman, says on the Smart Girls' Facebook page.

Besides Poehler, One Vote at a Time also has financial backing from Jeffrey Katzenberg, J.J. Abrams, and Joss Whedon.

The voting drive video is also a collaboration with Midterms Matter, a grassroots group based in Austin, Texas that also encourages young people to vote.

"Change the world by being yourself," it reads on the "about" page of the Smart Girls web site. Founded by Poehler and producer Meredith Walker, "Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls organization is dedicated to helping young people cultivate their authentic selves," it says. "We emphasize intelligence and imagination over “fitting in.” We celebrate curiosity over gossip. We are a place where people can truly be their weird and wonderful selves. We are funny first, and informative second, hosting the party you want to attend."

Besides running Smart Girls, Poehler is active in promoting women's issues and serves as an arts ambassador for the Worldwide Orphans Foundation. That organization works to improve the lives of children and communities in need by providing educational and medial care, including in Ethiopia and Haiti.

Her fundraising efforts for Worldwide Orphans Foundation include hosting an annual Emmy Party Losers party in Hollywood after the Emmy Awards.

Emmy winners can attend only if they also donate to the Worldwide Orphans Foundation.

Poehler is best known for her work on Saturday Night Live, her Hollywood movie comedies and playing Leslie Knope on NBC’s Parks and Recreation sitcom.

Poehler has also produced a digital series, Smart Girls at the Party, which “celebrates extraordinary girls who are changing the world by being themselves" as they face everyday challenges in today’s society.

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