Started in Canada in 2010 with Toronto Pig Save, the save movement “is comprised of groups around the world who bear witness of pigs, cows, chickens and other farmed animals en route to slaughter,” it states on its web site. “Our goals are to raise awareness about the plight of farmed animals, to help people become vegan, and to build a mass-based, grassroots animal justice movement.”
Today there are more than 560 groups in 65 countries all over the world.
For Morrissey’s upcoming tour — which begins in Vancouver April 15 and ends in Montreal April 29 — the opinionated and often controversial musician, who shot to fame in the 80s as frontman for The Smiths and released his last solo album, Low in High School, in 2017, has selected the following organizations to support:
Toronto Chicken Save; Toronto Cow Save; Toronto Fish Save; Toronto Fur Animal Save; Vancouver Chicken Save; Vancouver Fur Animal Save; Winnipeg Chicken Save; Ottawa Farmed Animal Save; Newfoundland Fur Animal Save; Manitoba Pig Save; Hamilton Animal Save; Calgary Cow Save; Alberta Farm Animal and Horse Save; Regina Pig Save; and Nova Scotia Mink and Fox Save.
In September, he released this statement on Morrissey Central:
“My decision to return to Canada after almost 15 years of protest against its savage and Neanderthal annual Baby Seal Kill is entirely because my stance was ultimately of no use and helped no one. My voice was drowned out by the merciless swing of spiked axes crushing the heads of babies.
“On my return to Canada I feel that I can be of more use by making sizeable donations to animal protection groups in each city that I play,” he continued.
“Thankfully there are many such organizations in Canada: Toronto Pig Save, Ottawa Animal Save, St John’s Chicken Save, Vancouver Chicken Save, and also PETA USA and DxE / Direct Action Everywhere.
“Certainly, any and all of these groups are welcome to set up stalls at our concerts. We are here to save as many lives as possible,” the singer added.
“The current Canadian government neurotically preach diversity: the understanding that each individual is unique, and has much to offer because of their differences. This tolerance does not extend to the seal family - who hurt no one, yet who have no rights to life in the new non-discriminatory Canada. Will my Canadian tour be a success ? I have no idea. I shall give my best and do my best. We are all passionately looking forward to renewed friendships.”
He concluded with a hopeful note: “Meanwhile, compassion charges ahead elsewhere: Los Angeles City Council Votes to Ban the Sale of Fur. The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to stop the sale of fur, moving forward to become the largest city in the world to do so.”
Tickets for Morrissey’s Canadian tour, promoted by AEG Concerts, go on sale Feb. 22 at 10 a.m. (ET).
Tour dates below:
April 15 – Vancouver, BC - Orpheum Theatre
April 17 – Calgary, AB - Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium
April 18 – Edmonton, AB - Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium
April 20 – Saskatoon, SK - TCU Place
April 22 – Winnipeg, MB - Centennial Concert Hall
April 26 – Toronto, ON - Sony Centre for the Performing Arts
April 27 – Toronto, ON - Sony Centre for the Performing Arts
April 29 – Montreal, QC - MTELUS
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