We see them everywhere, as commonplace in the holiday season as a Christmas tree, multi-coloured lights and people with their arms full of shopping bags — volunteer “bell-ringers” from The Salvation Army, standing at mall doors and street corners hoping for a donation in the kettle.
The “Fill the Kettle” program, introduced last Christmas, includes the iKettle campaign at www.FilltheKettle.com/iKettle, an online tool that allows people to customize a virtual kettle and invite others via e-mail to donate to The Salvation Army.
The Salvation Army offers assistance for children and families, often providing shelter for the homeless and rehabilitation for those with substance addictions. In Canada, according to statistic released by The Salvation Army, one in 11 Canadians, or three million people, currently live in poverty.
Monies raises goes to support the more than 1.7 million people from 400 communities across Canada that go to The Salvation Army for help. Last year, more than $19 million was raised in the Christmas kettles nationwide.
The Salvation Army also receives support from corporate partners, such as Loblaw Companies Limited, Walmart Canada and many more, which allow Christmas kettles to be placed at their stores.
The Salvation Army has also teamed up with Running Room Ltd. to host the 21st annual Santa Shuffle on December 3. The 5 km Fun Run and 1 km Elf Walk will be held in some 39 cities across Canada.
Donations to the 2011 Christmas Campaign can be made at www.SalvationArmy.ca, by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769), at your local kettle, or via mail to The Salvation Army, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON M4H 1P4.
Donors can also support the 2011 Christmas Campaign by texting HOPE to 45678 from most mobile carriers in Canada. A $5 donation will be added to your monthly mobile bill.
The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that began its work in Canada in 1882 and has grown to become the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in the country. It operates in more than 120 countries.