Sheryl Crow Says ‘Hold Politicans Accountable’

By Karen Bliss 9/29/09 |

“It’s not about doing everything; it’s about doing something. It’s about doing what you can. In my experience, the more I do, the more energized I feel about doing more and the more compelled I feel. It’s kind of like being on that diet, when you lose that first 10 pounds, it’s like, ‘Wow, you feel so motivated.’ It makes you feel good. There are so many little things that we can do to exponentially make a huge difference, just going to energy efficient light bulbs and little things like not running the hot water heater and not using the dryer. Why do we need our clothes 100 percent dry? Driving fuel efficient cars, but even more important than that is to demand that our political figures be held accountable and dangle our votes in front of them to say ‘I‘m not going to vote for you, if you don’t put your money where your mouth is.’” — Sheryl Crow tells

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